Atlantis Revolution #3 is Officially in Progress!

I finished Echinodea (The Second Book of the Atlantis Revolution) on Friday 8/3/2012.  I passed it off to my mom, who is always the first reader of my books.  I can't wait to hear what she has to say about it.  I'll post her comments when I get them!  I, on the other hand, put Echinodea to the side for now.  I will return to it sometime in September to do numerous edits by myself and with other trusted readers/editors.  By then, I will have fresh eyes for the story. 

But that means I'm ready to start writing my next book.  Which is book #10 for me (I can't believe it) and also happens to be Atlantis Revolution #3 (still untitled to everyone but me).  I'm excited to start writing the 3rd book because it is going to be an exciting one and I can't wait to see how it all plays out and wraps up.  But at the same time, I'm sad that I will be writing "The End" to this trilogy.  The next year worth of work is going to be a mixture of fun, excitement, and sadness/hesitation.  By this time next year, the Atlantis Revolution Trilogy will be completely written and I will be moving on to new things.  I don't know what those things are yet but I'm sure they'll be great.  But that doesn't mean I want to leave Atlantis--and maybe I won't.  :-)

So while you are still spreading the word about Hippocampus, and eagerly waiting (hopefully) for Echinodea, I'll be writing #3.  And I'll do my best to keep you updated on my progress as I go--but I do get very busy once the school year begins so I can't promise.


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